DIY // Salt Dough Snowflake Garland

Merry Christmas Eve! I hope you're enjoying some special family time this weekend. Since moving, we haven't been able to spend Christmas with our immediate families. It's been a few years since we moved to Portland, so Christmas has just been the two of us since then. It's definitely been nice being able to spend quality Christmas time just the two of us, but there's something to be said about being surrounded by siblings, parents, and our nieces. 

This year we're getting to do something a little different. Tim's cousin just moved (like two weeks ago!) to the Portland area (about an hour outside of the city), so we're taking advantage of having family in the same state and having dinner with them tomorrow. We're so excited!

Today I wanted to share another holiday DIY with you all - this super cute salt dough snowflake garland. The best part? It's easy! Here are the supplies you'll need:

  • 1 cup salt
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup warm water
  • Snowflake cookie cutter (I got mine with a holiday set at Michael's)
  • Twine (Michael's again!)


  1. Mix the salt and flour together
  2. Pour warm water over the mixture while stirring
  3. Continue stirring until solid dough forms (Hint: if it feels too dry, you're probably still on the right track. Mine was almost falling apart, but the snowflakes turned out perfectly!)
  4. Roll out the dough on flour-dusted parchment paper
  5. Use the snowflake cookie cutter to create at least 9 snowflakes
  6. Use a straw to poke small holes on one of their edges so you can string twine through them
  7. Remove the excess dough, but leave the snowflakes on the parchment paper
  8. Let sit for the day (I let mine sit for about 8 hours or so and they were fairly hard by then)
  9. Place in oven on 150 degrees for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. All ovens are different, so just make sure to peek in on them every now and then. I checked in on mine about every 30 minutes or so to make sure they weren't burning.
  10. String them with twine and hang!

I wanted the snowflakes to hang at different lengths, so I tied them to the regular twine with green twine to give it a pop of color. We don't have a fireplace or mantle in our apartment, so we hung it below our gallery wall and decided to attach the Christmas cards we received to it. I love how it turned out! I think it's the perfect way to show off our beautiful family and friends <3 (If you sent us a card and it's not displayed, it's not because we don't love you! ;) We just didn't receive it before I took these photos. We've gotten some really cute ones since then that are now displayed as well).

Wishing you and yours a truly wonderful Christmas. We're off to church and Christmas light-seeing and we'll finish the night in our Christmas PJs with hot cocoa and a movie. Love to you all!