Purposeful Work or Purposeful Life?

I’ve thought a lot about purpose through the years. How are we supposed to know what our purpose is? Should we find it through work? Volunteering? Hobbies? Family? Should literally everything we do ladder up to our purpose? Do we choose our purpose or does our purpose choose us?

I’ve taken many paths in my career and I think it’s partly because I don’t know the answers to these questions. I’ve tried to fill this void in everyday purpose with my job, but I always seem to come up empty. It feels like there’s a lot of pressure to find your purpose and let that guide you in your career moves — because, hey, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life… right? I’m not so sure. It is work, after all.

If you have found your purpose in your career, congrats. I haven’t, but I’m starting to realize that’s OK. Maybe my purpose doesn’t have to be tied to my career. Maybe it actually shouldn’t be tied to my career. Lord knows I tie too much of my identity to my career already, so consciously separating purpose from work actually feels right for me.

But that doesn’t mean I can’t find joy in what I do for work. In fact, I was telling my husband the other day that my current job is lighting up my brain in ways I didn’t think were possible. The creative challenges I’m solving are rewarding even though they aren’t directly impacting my purpose.

And this all makes me wonder — does not finding a deeper purpose in my day-to-day work actually allow me to live a more full life? Am I less likely to get burnt out on my purpose if I’m not constantly working for or with it? Am I able to create healthier boundaries between work and life if my purpose isn’t tied to it? In fact, does not tying my purpose to work allow me to live a more purposeful and purpose-filled life?

I don’t believe everyone is called to live out their purpose through work. I think purpose is much more, much bigger than a job. But maybe it also doesn’t have to be this monumental, light-shining-through-the-clouds, “aha” purpose. Maybe purpose for some is just simply taking the best care of themselves or finding what gives them the most joy and doing as much of that as possible in their day-to-day life. Maybe it’s pouring love into their babies and families. Maybe it’s pouring love into their communities.

Whatever it is for you, I hope you find it. I’ll be right alongside you on this journey.