Rosemary Sea Salt Bread Loaf


I don’t think I can totally describe to you how much joy it gives me to make (and gift!) bread. If you’ve read this blog post, you know my process and tools, and that I use Ken Forkish’s method and ingredient ratios no matter what type of bread loaf I’m making. I’ve made jalapeno cheddar bread before, but this time I wanted to try my hand at a different type of bread loaf with inclusions, recreating one of our favorite baguettes we normally get at a local grocery store: rosemary sea salt.

If you’re thinking YUM, you are correct 😉



Before you start, don’t forget to get Ken Forkish’s book Flour Water Salt Yeast. So many great recipes and tips and tricks throughout!

Here’s what I used to make two rosemary sea salt bread loaves:


  • Mix flour and water by hand, cover and let sit for 20-30 minutes

  • Remove rosemary leaves from sprigs and chop roughly (it’s best to have a mix of large and small pieces!)

  • Add sea salt, yeast, and fresh rosemary and fold in using Ken’s pincer method; let sit for a few minutes and then fold for another 30 seconds.

  • Do your first fold in the first 10 minutes after mixing. Take the corners and fold them into the center. Once all corners are folded in, lift up the dough and flip it over so the bottom becomes the top.

  • Let sit and do another fold and flip in about an hour.

  • After your second fold, let the dough sit until it is roughly 3x in size, about 5 hours after mixing

  • Once triple in size, the dough is ready to be divided. Pour out of the bin onto a lightly floured surface. Divide into two equal sizes (you can eyeball this!).

  • With each dough ball, fold the corners into the middle and flip it so the bottom becomes the top. Cup the back of the dough ball with your hands and drag it on the countertop toward you to form a tighter ball.

  • Generously flour your proofing baskets and place each dough ball in its respective basket. Sprinkle the tops with a bit of flour and let rise for about an hour and 15 minutes.

  • About 45 minutes prior to baking, heat up your oven to 475 degrees with your dutch oven inside, lid on.

  • 20 minutes before you bake the first loaf, place the second loaf in the refrigerator.

  • Carefully remove the dutch oven and place one dough ball in the dutch oven. Carefully put the lid back on and place it back into the oven. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove lid and then bake for another 15 minutes.

  • Once your first loaf is done, repeat the baking method with your second loaf.

  • Enjoy!

If you try this recipe, let me know how you like it! And check out my video below to see how I made these super yummy bread loaves.