Christmas Star Twisted Bread

I think this is probably my favorite bread I’ve made in 2020. So beautiful and forgiving. Truly, this bread looks quite complicated but it’s not.

I’ll admit, when I first saw this recipe, I thought “yeah, right. That looks too complicated.” I’m all about ease and not stressing when it comes to baking and bread making. And to give this even more color, I definitely don’t pay attention to {most} instructions that make you separate ingredients before combining 😬 For me, it’s all goin’ to the same place!

So I thought this recipe was going to be way harder than it actually is based on how beautiful it is! They say this in the recipe, but it really is a ‘no fuss’ bread. If you watch the video I made (shared below!), you’ll see that none of my layers were even and it still turned out fairly perfectly. 🙌🏻 That said, I diiiiiid ask for a silicon pastry mat with measuring circles for Christmas so when I make this or other breads in the future, they’re more perfectly circular. Can’t win ‘em all when you’re a bit of a perfectionist 😉

Anyways, this bread is not only beautiful, but it’s also delicious. I used a raspberry jam for the filling, but customized it to add brown sugar between each layer and blended up some fresh raspberries to give it an extra kick.

It is great as a breakfast or dessert bread (we miiiight have had it as both in one 24-hour period multiple times).

Check out my video below and Taste of Home’s website for the full recipe ❤️